Martes, Enero 15, 2019


God created Adan,  but God saw that Adan was lonely so God created Eve. Women was made for men and men was made for women. They were destined to each other. They were made to cherish the happiness and to live life to the fullest and to love each other. But slowly and slowly, everything has abruptly changed.

There are crimes, injustices, abuses and hatreds in this world. Women are abused, they are being mistreated. Because of this, the world will never ever be a world full of love. God never create a man just to abuse a woman. We live to enjoy the world not to do bad things. Women want to be loved not to be abused. God created the earth for us to love on another not to destroy one another.

I think we can stop this by just loving one another. Because if you love someone, you will not do things just to harm the person. If you love the person, you will protect that person. God love us equally.


This generation, people especially teenagers are now using gadgets. They are using it because they can easily communicate to others by only one touch. We can easily communicate to our loved ones working abroad. But despite of all the good things of gadgets, there are bad things or effects of using it.

This year's theme is "Mapanuring paggamit ng gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang ugnayan sa pamilya at kapwa". For me, the theme talks about using gadgets in a proper way. Yes, gadgets helps us in many ways. The world is becoming smaller, it is no longer difficult to be separated from your loved ones because of gadgets. But despite of the many benefits of gadgets, when they are not correctly used it can also make people apart. Because they are now only focusing on their gadgets and that is also a disease.

The proper use of gadgets is important. Because of this, it creates beautiful and comfortable relationships to others and to your loved ones. We must use it in a proper way or else it will destroy you.


God created Adan,  but God saw that Adan was lonely so God created Eve. Women was made for men and men was made for women. They were destine...