Martes, Enero 15, 2019


God created Adan,  but God saw that Adan was lonely so God created Eve. Women was made for men and men was made for women. They were destined to each other. They were made to cherish the happiness and to live life to the fullest and to love each other. But slowly and slowly, everything has abruptly changed.

There are crimes, injustices, abuses and hatreds in this world. Women are abused, they are being mistreated. Because of this, the world will never ever be a world full of love. God never create a man just to abuse a woman. We live to enjoy the world not to do bad things. Women want to be loved not to be abused. God created the earth for us to love on another not to destroy one another.

I think we can stop this by just loving one another. Because if you love someone, you will not do things just to harm the person. If you love the person, you will protect that person. God love us equally.

6 (na) komento:

  1. very good. You're right God love us equally

  2. yes, I agree brother kenneth. God loves us equally. But before that, I just wanted to say that carl's article is great!.The flow of every words, The title, and word choices. nice!

  3. Good Article Carl! I as a man appreciate what you wrote, "If you love the person, you won't harm that person" and is somehow makes me happy, because we are not perfect, but we are in God's eyes and it makes me more happy that He made us equally.



God created Adan,  but God saw that Adan was lonely so God created Eve. Women was made for men and men was made for women. They were destine...