Martes, Hulyo 31, 2018


Resulta ng larawan para sa sona 2018

   Our country needs a good President to lead us. A President that is brave to rule our country like Philippines. A President that ca make our country great again. And that person is our very own President Rodrigo Duterte. He was our President since June 30, 2018. Even if he is 71 years old, he can still rule our country. And as the President of the Philippines, he must deliver an address to everyone which is SONA. SONA serves to inform the nation about it's present economic, political, and social condition of the country. And his words were remarkable.
     "I value friendship, make no mistake about it. But it has its limits". This was the one of Duterte's words that truly marked in my mind. Yes, we value friendship because when you have a problem, they will be always there for you no matter what. Like what Duterte said, those were corrupting our country and they are doing bad things. We need to limit our friendship, even if it is your bestfriend, just say no if they want to do bad things. Duterte's speech was even remarkable when he said "you are concerned about the present, i'm worried about the future".
     I really believed that Duterte's SONA is greatest SONA I ever watched. We need a President like him because if he will step down in his throne, somebody like him or better than him will replace him. I think if he will attain his great leading to this country, someday the Philippines will be one of the best country in the world again.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 25, 2018


Resulta ng larawan para sa planting fruits and vegetables

         We can't really say that we are healthy if we are not eating fruits and vegetables. We really need them to be healthy and we truly need them because if we eat them, we can assure that we are sustaining our body to be healthy.
      "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin is the theme of the Nutrition Month Celebration of this year. The theme of this Nutrition Month is we need to plant fruits and vegetables for us to spend less money and we can get fruits and vegetables from there. We don't need to worry about them because those veggies and fruits are now only in our backyard. We won't need to go to Supermarkets because we have it now in our backyards. Vegetables and fruits are nutritional so we need to plant them now. We are making ourselves healthy by eating these foods.
           Plant veggies and fruits, we can be healthy always. No to junk foods and soft drinks those can make you into obesity. Those are unhealthy foods. Know what you eat. Eat those what's right for you.

Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018

Letter to the President

Resulta ng larawan para sa president duterte

July 10,2018

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear President Duterte,

My name is Carl Joseph Arconado. I am a student at Ilocos Sur National High School and I'm also a member of the Boy Scout of the Philippines, and I am writing you today to give my thoughts about fighting crimes. 

When you won the election, fighting crimes is your one goal to make being the President of the Philippines. After you implemented that, crimes were reduced. There were no more holdaping, killing, raping etc. And I think this is truly a good way to start your responsible being a President. Everyone is safe because you are the President.

If you have some spare of time, please give this letter a feedback on this issue. Because I am curious to know about what are your thoughts too about this issue.

Thank you for your time and consideration for reading this.

Carl Joseph Arconado

Miyerkules, Hulyo 4, 2018

Philippine Independence:A Time to Celebrate Freedom

Resulta ng larawan para sa philippine independence day

     Independence Day is the most significant day in our country Philippines. Because in June 12, 1898, we fought, we succeeded and we gained our freedom in that day. And from that freedom, this is the most memorable and celebrated day in the Philippines. As I write here, I'll tell you why we should celebrate it and what are the beneficial aspects of a free country.

     333 years our country suffers from the hands from the invaders. The Spaniards are the ones who colonized our country. They thought that the Filipinos are just weak but we are not. Our Filipino heroes defended our country from the hands of the Spaniards like our National Heroes Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo. And on June 12, 1898, our fellow Filipinos at the leadership Emilio Aguinaldo fought against Spaniards and they succeeded. And we gained the freedom that was stolen from us for centuries.

    We must thank our fellow Filipinos who fought for our freedom. Be proud to be a Filipino and be proud that we are free because other have not the freedom yet. We are lucky that we didn't experience the hardships of our fellow Filipinos. Because if it's not from them we are not free today.    


God created Adan,  but God saw that Adan was lonely so God created Eve. Women was made for men and men was made for women. They were destine...