Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018

Letter to the President

Resulta ng larawan para sa president duterte

July 10,2018

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear President Duterte,

My name is Carl Joseph Arconado. I am a student at Ilocos Sur National High School and I'm also a member of the Boy Scout of the Philippines, and I am writing you today to give my thoughts about fighting crimes. 

When you won the election, fighting crimes is your one goal to make being the President of the Philippines. After you implemented that, crimes were reduced. There were no more holdaping, killing, raping etc. And I think this is truly a good way to start your responsible being a President. Everyone is safe because you are the President.

If you have some spare of time, please give this letter a feedback on this issue. Because I am curious to know about what are your thoughts too about this issue.

Thank you for your time and consideration for reading this.

Carl Joseph Arconado

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